Sunday 25 July 2010

We will build electronics "MADE IN JORDAN"

We have brains, we have knowledge, what else do we need to build our own electronic systems? The will!

Please Jordanian engineers read carefully to design and implement, please Jordanian business men read carefully to finance, please Jordanian teachers and instructors in schools and universities read carefully to encourage, please Jordanian government men read carefully to legislate ... PLEASE, say: possible, say: we can, because it's possible and we definitely can.


We want to build a system that controls a house. There are one million ideas that come on mind, I will try to mention some. If the house is empty turn off all lights to save energy. You are free to think in an extra security option here: when the house is empty, randomly turn on one or two lights, after a while, turn them off and turn on some other lights. You may think more than that ... when you light these light, choose the lights that consume less energy!! When someone enters the house, the lights turn on, the coffee machine works, the ACs work, windows open, and anything that may come to your mind.

JORDAN IS SUNNY... When the sensor says that there is enough sun light, turn you light on using this energy and stop wasting electricity. Auto-switch to the solar heater, if your partner is a chemical engineer, ask him to design some large batteries to store this electricity in.

If your customers are rich, make everything automated, and sell them your product. Doors open automatically, food is cooked automatically when needed, every thing in your home may send you an sms to tell you something. Imagine you are at work and your son has just eaten the last cheese piece in the refrigerator. The refrigerator sends you an sms "Dear owner, I am the refrigerator 1, cheese has just been finished, :)". So you buy cheese when you are going home afternoon. Or this message reaches the supermarket that sends cheese to your home immediately.

Why don't mechanical engineers build cars MADE IN JORDAN??? Forget that, why don't we build the large control systems that control our factories in Jordan??

Why don't we build a machine that takes some empty cups and some sugar and coffee and tea and nescafe and it has a console that takes whatever the person wants and fills the cups ... etc. It's a COFFEE MACHINE!! just think, and add some extra features (falsafaat) to make it different that these Chinese ones!! Make a machine that chops meat and chicken and mloo5iyye and onion.

I am sorry people, but we have brains and enough knowledge. We need the right MENTALITY that makes people look at there nation's interest. I don't care if America or the UK gave me more money to build great electronic systems for them, I HATE IT when I hear people say (this country no one can live in) or (We cannot do it) or (who cares) or any of these SELFISH and FRUSTRATING phrases.

So, tell me people, positively, what do you think?? each from his position.


  1. We need fund . We need money . We need a lot of things !!

  2. @Anonymous ....
    OK lets go and search for funding people! by the way: fund and money are the same thing, so, what else do we need??
    Can we find some people with money to come and read this? Can we reach them??

  3. Thank you for replay .
    I think KADB is the only funding establishment. its offices in the University of Jordan . But man about the project of " control systems in houses " there are a lot of projects about it especially in mechatronics department , but it need some development and all kinds of support to convert it to execution .

  4. Yes great, so you suggest KADB as the main (I hope not only) funding party, we need projects to be products, not to be research papers and high graduation marks ... etc. If they are don't turn into products, then they are not more than exercises for these students' brains. Nothing for the nation.
    The control systems in houses are just some examples that I suggest, and this is very very very wide field that we can have much more ideas in.
    and thank you for sharing your opinions too

  5. Four points for making products :
    1. factories
    2. designers
    3. other employers
    4. machines for making this products considering mass production .
    The most important one is the designers of machines.

  6. basel its all about the mentality,the arab consumer mentality pushes the whole idea down,plus the lack of financial support,and probably pressure from the outside,i can sum it up by saying: "why do i have to pay 10*X of money to build something without ensuring its quality when i can buy a high quality alternative with only X" its all about engineering economy i guess! i hope you prove me wrong someday,i really do!

  7. @Anonymous ...
    This seems to be a professional opinion, It's very important to build the machines that makes mass production.

    What are the ideas here? Building these machines is an option, buying some configurable machines maybe another option?? building products in less amounts for starting is an option?? it depends on the nature of the product.

    Are there any ideas here?

  8. @Ahmad
    You are right, it's the mentality of people, but somehow we cannot keep stucking at our place, there are sacrifices, who will sacrifice? the final results will be great, but not very soon, maybe not even soon. The first one who succeeds (I am talking about business men) will gain a big wealth after paying thousands, millions ... for many many years. Some one should do it. If it's not the government, one of the business men. Some one should put his money and try to think that this is an investment for the country not for himself at the beginning. At least one should do it!!!

  9. We are talking here about driving Jordan to industrial work and that indeed need long time. Actually the chance to find such help is like 10% and it will keep going around probability , even if it works it's not gonna last i guess .

    Why it's not certain that we gonna find people who care about there country?! "sacrifice" here is not the right word why not to call it "doing what is compatible with hurt and mind " ...

    I think the solution is that we need long time plane , the main objective is to have enthusiasm people with high attitude .so we should start from schools .

    So do we have to wait and do nothing till those children grow up and help us ? NO ,we must do our best regarding of the results (fine, work with those 10% it's better than nothing) ,this will make sure that we will have a comfortable life and will make sure that those children has their models.

    Conclusion ; WORK on your self DO your best work with others and for others and DON'T GIVE UP.

    Thanks Basel for the NICE idea,it's INSPIRING :).

  10. Thank you Aseel for your ideas. I can say I agree with most of them.

    We should work on the next generation, there is no doubt that this should have high priority. Actually the lost thing for the new generation is not the knowledge, it's not that we need to feed them more scientific information.

    We need to give them two main lost things:
    1) The attitude to research and discover, the confidence that we with our knowledge are able to do whatever we need. So we want a generation that loves what they do.

    2) The attitude to make these discoveries for Jordan interest. Not to enjoy research for the USA or the UK!!

    Actually, the American development is being carried by Arabic, Asian, European and African brains!! America provides the attitude, the proper environment and the MONEY.


  11. Good and optimistic post, and thanks to Ahmad for making a good point!
    Dude it's possible to do what you're talking about here and actually there exist multiple funding parties in Jordan, take Oasis500 for example []. All you have to have is a good plan and a good team!

  12. Thank you for your addition Fuad, I will bookmark this site to use it when needed :)
